Paul R. Gregory
Paul R. Gregory, a research fellow at the Hoover Institution and a research associate at the German Institute for Economic Research in Berlin, is a professor at the University of Houston.
Putin’s Government in Donbas
Putin’s Government in Donbas
Apr 13, 2016 Paul R. Gregory discusses a report claiming that Russia exercises direct control over Eastern Ukraine.
Why Putin Makes a Bad Ally
Why Putin Makes a Bad Ally
Dec 3, 2015 Paul R. Gregory dismisses the idea that the Kremlin will cooperate in the fight against the Islamic State.
Putin in the Dock
Putin in the Dock
Aug 14, 2015 Paul R. Gregory suggests that a long string of legal rulings poses a mounting threat to Russia and its president.
Putin’s Gas Problem
Putin’s Gas Problem
Feb 26, 2015 Paul R. Gregory explains why Russia's effort to bypass Ukraine with a pipeline through Turkey will backfire.