Michael Mertes
Michael Mertes, a former policy advisor to Helmut Kohl, is an author and partner at dimap consult, a commercial think-tank based in Bonn and Berlin.
A Day of Liberation
A Day of Liberation
May 3, 2005 Michael Mertes
Promoting Democracy in the Greater Middle East
Promoting Democracy in the Greater Middle East
Apr 1, 2004 Michael Mertes, et al.
Twilight of the Chancellor?
Twilight of the Chancellor?
Feb 9, 2004 Michael Mertes
The Soft Underbelly of Europe's "Hard Core"
The Soft Underbelly of Europe's "Hard Core"
Nov 28, 2003 Michael Mertes
How Germany Lost the Iraq War
How Germany Lost the Iraq War
May 2, 2003 Michael Mertes