Michael Jacobs
Michael Jacobs, Professor of Political Economy at the University of Sheffield, is a co-author of Growth, Degrowth or Post-Growth? (Forum for a New Economy, 2022).
Have We Reached the Limits to Growth?
Have We Reached the Limits to Growth?
May 18, 2022 Michael Jacobs & Xhulia Likaj explains why, on its 50th anniversary, the Club of Rome’s landmark report is more relevant than ever.
The Real Lima Deal
The Real Lima Deal
Dec 15, 2014 Michael Jacobs calls the agreement a game changer, because poorer countries' obligations are no longer voluntary.
The Climate-Change Agenda Heats Up
The Climate-Change Agenda Heats Up
Mar 7, 2014 Michael Jacobs points to grounds for optimism that a comprehensive emissions-reduction plan can be agreed this year.
The Climate Countdown
The Climate Countdown
Dec 18, 2012 Michael Jacobs