Michael Chui
Michael Chui is a partner at the McKinsey Global Institute, studying the impact of long-term technology trends.
The Promise and Peril of the Bio-Revolution
The Promise and Peril of the Bio-Revolution
Jan 26, 2021 Matthias Evers & Michael Chui call for a public debate on how best to realize the benefits of biological innovation while mitigating the risks.
Long Live the Bio-Revolution
Long Live the Bio-Revolution
Dec 30, 2020 Michael Chui & Matthias Evers tout a host of recent innovations that promise to make food systems more resilient, inclusive, and efficient.
COVID-19 and the Bio-Revolution
COVID-19 and the Bio-Revolution
Jun 10, 2020 Michael Chui & Matthias Evers illuminate the promise and perils of the current wave of biological innovation.
AI for Human Development
AI for Human Development
Jan 3, 2019 Michael Chui & Martin Harrysson focus on the obstacles to realizing the potential of artificial intelligence to serve the public good.
Big Data, Big New Businesses
Big Data, Big New Businesses
Feb 25, 2014 Nigel Shadbolt & Michael Chui estimate that the annual value of open data could reach $3 trillion.