Mario Pezzini
Mario Pezzini is Director of the OECD Development Centre and Special Adviser to the OECD Secretary-General on Development.
The Digital Transformation Strategy Africa Needs
The Digital Transformation Strategy Africa Needs
Feb 22, 2021 Victor Harison & Mario Pezzini outline four guiding principles that could help the continent's governments nurture large-scale job creation.
A New Development Vision for Latin America
A New Development Vision for Latin America
Jun 16, 2020 Mario Pezzini, et al. call for a profound rethink of national social pacts in order to address rising popular discontent in the region.
Firms Must Drive Africa’s Transformation
Firms Must Drive Africa’s Transformation
Aug 26, 2019 Victor Harison & Mario Pezzini outline a strategy for capitalizing on the opportunities offered by a new continental trade bloc.
Data-Driven Gender Equality
Data-Driven Gender Equality
Jan 23, 2019 Gabriela Ramos & Mario Pezzini tout new analytical tools developed by the OECD to help build more equal, gender-inclusive societies.
Upgrading International Development Cooperation
Upgrading International Development Cooperation
Aug 14, 2018 Alicia Bárcena, et al. see Latin America and the Caribbean as a test bed for new models of international cooperation.