Joshua Kurlantzick
Joshua Kurlantzick is Senior Fellow for Southeast Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations and author of A Great Place to Have a War: America in Laos and the Birth of a Military CIA.
The Trumping of Cambodian Democracy
The Trumping of Cambodian Democracy
Dec 1, 2017 Joshua Kurlantzick examines how the US administration's disregard of human rights is bolstering Southeast Asia's autocrats.
Thailand’s New Uncertainty
Thailand’s New Uncertainty
Oct 15, 2016 Joshua Kurlantzick explains why King Bhumibol Adulyadej's death could augur instability in Southeast Asia.
The Dark Heart of ASEAN
The Dark Heart of ASEAN
Feb 12, 2016 Joshua Kurlantzick is concerned about America's deepening engagement with Southeast Asian autocrats.