George Magnus
George Magnus, a research associate at the University of Oxford’s China Centre and SOAS University of London, is the author of Red Flags: Why Xi’s China Is in Jeopardy (Yale University Press, 2018).
The High Costs of Disengagement for China
The High Costs of Disengagement for China
Jun 28, 2022 George Magnus thinks that, with geopolitics thwarting globalization, China’s economy might never overtake America’s.
Will China's “Common Prosperity” Survive Putin’s War?
Will China's “Common Prosperity” Survive Putin’s War?
Mar 21, 2022 George Magnus considers how mounting geopolitical risk will affect Xi Jinping's effort to bring the private sector to heel.
China's Journey into the Unknown
China's Journey into the Unknown
Oct 22, 2021 George Magnus reviews three books examining the increasingly obvious flaws in the country’s governance model.
China’s Go-It-Alone Five-Year Plan
China’s Go-It-Alone Five-Year Plan
Mar 25, 2021 George Magnus assesses the new strategy for reducing the country's reliance on external demand and sources of supply in key sectors.
A Messy Financial Divorce for the US and China
A Messy Financial Divorce for the US and China
Dec 30, 2020 George Magnus highlights the disconnect between official decoupling and American firms' efforts to deepen engagement.