Elias Papaioannou
Elias Papaioannou is Academic Director of the Wheeler Institute for Business and Development and Professor of Economics at the London Business School.
European Colonialism in Africa Is Alive
European Colonialism in Africa Is Alive
Jul 30, 2021 Stelios Michalopoulos & Elias Papaioannou trace the ongoing social, economic, and political consequences of the centuries-long exploitation of Africa.
The Enduring Populist Threat
The Enduring Populist Threat
Mar 19, 2021 Sergei Guriev & Elias Papaioannou advise policymakers on how to prevent the COVID-19 shock from triggering another political tsunami.
Clearing the Ground for Post-Conflict Reconstruction
Clearing the Ground for Post-Conflict Reconstruction
Apr 11, 2019 Giorgio Chiovelli, et al. show that targeted demining efforts can yield far-reaching economic benefits in post-conflict zones.
Mapmaking and Warmongering in Africa
Mapmaking and Warmongering in Africa
Jun 29, 2016 Stelios Michalopoulos & Elias Papaioannou show how the colonial powers' partitioning of the continent has undermined its development.
Greece’s Imperfect Imperative
Greece’s Imperfect Imperative
Jul 21, 2015 Lucrezia Reichlin, et al. challenge the country’s leaders – and its creditors – to make the recent deal work.