Adrian Furnham
Adrian Furnham is a professor at the Norwegian Business School and the author of 95 books, including Psychology 101: The 101 Ideas, Concepts and Theories that Have Shaped Our World.
Requiem for the Stiff Upper Lip
Requiem for the Stiff Upper Lip
Apr 17, 2021 Raj Persaud & Adrian Furnham wonder if Prince Philip's signature stoicism still has a place in contemporary society.
Inside the Mind of the Mass Shooter
Inside the Mind of the Mass Shooter
Oct 3, 2017 Raj Persaud & Adrian Furnham try to divine the motives of the gunman who cut down hundreds in Las Vegas last weekend.
Can We Have Too Much Sex?
Can We Have Too Much Sex?
Sep 15, 2017 Raj Persaud & Adrian Furnham point to new psychological research indicating that more often can be too much.
The Snap Election Trap
The Snap Election Trap
Jun 9, 2017 Raj Persaud & Adrian Furnham invoke a psychological theory that could have predicted Theresa May's resounding defeat.
Terror and the Ballot Box
Terror and the Ballot Box
Jun 6, 2017 Raj Persaud & Adrian Furnham highlight research showing that the threat of future attacks can indeed sway voters.