buruma198_  MANDY CHENGAFP via Getty Images_taiwan MANDY CHENG/AFP via Getty Images

Is Taiwan Worth Defending?

China’s leaders have long been obsessed with Taiwan because its very existence as a thriving liberal democracy refutes the central premise of the Chinese authoritarian regime. That is why the United States must come to Taiwan’s defense in the event that Chinese President Xi Jinping decides to attack the island.

NEW YORK – No one seems to know how the United States would react if China were to invade Taiwan. For decades, US leaders did all they could to avoid this question. Then, in September of last year, President Joe Biden seemed to have ended Washington’s policy of “strategic ambiguity” when he said that US troops would defend the island in the event of “an unprecedented attack.” But almost immediately after Biden spoke, White House officials backtracked, insisting that US policy on Taiwan had not changed.
