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The Gig Economy vs. America’s Workers

Uber, Lyft, DoorDash, and other gig corporations have proposed several ballot initiatives in Massachusetts that would classify drivers and delivery people as independent contractors rather than employees. If they pass, these firms would have legal standing to continue depriving workers of basic employment rights and benefits.

WASHINGTON, DC – Uber, Lyft, DoorDash, Instacart, and other gig corporations are once again seeking the law’s blessing in the United States for their unscrupulous employment practices. Ahead of November’s election, these firms have proposed several ballot initiatives in Massachusetts that would empower them to classify drivers and delivery people as independent contractors rather than employees. (The Open Markets Institute, where I work, filed an amicus brief supporting a challenge to the constitutionality of the ballot questions.) As with Proposition 22 in California in 2020, Uber and other companies will probably spend lavishly to convince voters that these measures would benefit the affected workers and the public alike.