jair bolsonaro Buda Mendes/Getty Images

Dirty Populists

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro joins the growing ranks of leaders – including America's Donald Trump, Hungary's Viktor Orbán, and Poland's Jarosław Kaczyński – who won power by vowing to end systemic corruption. But he is likely to join them in enabling much more of it.

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – The election left one of the world’s largest countries deeply divided, handing the presidency to a military-loving, minority-bullying, media-bashing firebrand promising to smash a corrupt establishment. I am not talking about the 2016 US presidential election that put Donald Trump in power, but rather the 2018 election in Brazil, won by the so-called Trump of the Tropics, Jair Bolsonaro, who was formally inaugurated on January 1.
