Silvio Berlusconi Massimo Di Nonno | getty images

Trump’s Italian Prototype

As Donald Trump's presidential campaign in the US continues to rack up successes, pundits are scrambling for some historical or foreign analogue that can shed light on the phenomenon. The most apt is the Italian businessman-turned-politician Silvio Berlusconi, who, like Trump, is a master at substituting salesmanship for substance.

TOKYO – The rise of billionaire Donald Trump in the US presidential race has been met with a mixture of horror and fascination. As his campaign, once regarded with derision, continues to rack up successes – most recently, in the Michigan and Mississippi primaries and the Hawaii caucus – pundits are scrambling for some historical or foreign analogue that can shed light on the phenomenon. While no comparison is perfect, the most apt comparison is with Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian media mogul who has served three terms as his country’s prime minister. It is not a reassuring model.