Shinzo Abe aboard US Navy ship. U.S. Pacific Command/Flickr

Japan’s TPP Transformation

The signing of the Trans-Pacific Partnership is perhaps the boldest step that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has taken in his efforts to revitalize Japan, because it will force long-cossetted industries and the agricultural sector to innovate and compete in new ways. Nothing less will enable Japan's economy to regain its vigor.

TOKYO – On October 5, after years of exhausting – and exhaustive – haggling, a dozen Pacific Rim countries finally signed up to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), an agreement that promises everything from more trade to a cleaner environment. The negotiations were such that the hair of Akira Amari, Japan’s economic and fiscal policy minister, turned completely grey. His solace, however, is that the TPP will prove to be a key foundation stone of the “Asian Century.”