Child refugees from Syria playing in a camp. World Bank Photo Collection/Flickr

Development Zones for Syrian Refugees

The Syrian refugee crisis is putting the EU under great pressure to reconcile its responsibility to help those fleeing war with its limited capacity to absorb new arrivals. The EU should collaborate with countries now hosting refugees to establish economic zones where refugees are allowed to work legally.

PRINCETON – The Syrian refugee crisis confronts the European Union with an acute dilemma. Europe has a historic responsibility to help victims of war and violence, and responsible politicians recognize that it is inhumane to bar entrance to people fleeing for their lives. For moral and practical reasons, the EU cannot build a modern version of the Iron Curtain around its perimeter. And yet it is also clear that both administrative and political problems – not least a populist backlash against the new arrivals – limit the EU’s capacity to absorb large numbers of migrants in a short period of time.