Gaidar Forum Moscow jan 2017 Valery Sharifulin/Getty Images

Russia’s Bad Equilibrium

The fear of economic destabilization that has permeated Russia since its 2014 invasion of Ukraine, which was met with crippling Western sanctions, has all but evaporated. For many Russians, the mix of nationalist euphoria, creature comforts, and domestic repression seems to be a potent elixir.

MOSCOW – After more than two years of economic contraction, Russia seems to have achieved some semblance of stability. Though economic growth is expected to reach only about 1% in 2017, the fear of economic destabilization that has permeated the country since its 2014 invasion of Crimea – which was met with crippling sanctions from the West – has all but evaporated. The combination of foreign-policy optimism, creature comforts, and domestic repression seems to be a potent elixir.