Euro and Pound Matt Cardy/Stringer

European Integration With or Without Britain

When British Prime Minister David Cameron agreed with the EU in February on revised membership terms for the UK, he insisted that the EU be recognized officially as a “multi-currency union.” The muddled way his demand was fulfilled reflects enduring confusion about how such a union can function.

WASHINGTON, DC – When British Prime Minister David Cameron agreed with the European Union in February on revised terms for the United Kingdom’s membership, he insisted that the EU be recognized officially as a “multi-currency union.” With clear limits on European integration in place, on currency and other issues, Cameron believed that he would be able to win a popular majority in favor of the deal – and thus of remaining in the EU – when the UK holds its referendum on June 23. Yet, rather than providing such clarity, the pact uses contorted language to avoid such an official declaration – and the explanations that would have to come with it.