Paul Polman
Paul Polman, a former CEO of Unilever, chairs the UN Global Compact for the Secretary-General, and is the author of Net Positive: How Courageous Corporations Thrive by Giving More Than They Take.
An Interview with Paul Polman
An Interview with Paul Polman
Oct 5, 2021 Paul Polman considers how to get investors to go green, identifies three urgent priorities for governments in the climate transition, and offers advice to businesses at risk of being left behind.
Building a Nature-Positive Economy
Building a Nature-Positive Economy
Apr 28, 2021 Paul Polman & Eva Zabey propose three ways to increase the rewards for sustainable, long-term corporate performance.
A Marshall Plan for the Planet
A Marshall Plan for the Planet
Dec 30, 2020 Paul Polman hopes that 2021 will be a much better year for international efforts to combat climate change.
A Business Model for Sustainability
A Business Model for Sustainability
Dec 19, 2018 Paul Polman says solving the world’s sustainable-development challenges requires a new approach by global companies.
The Financial Sector’s Climate Imperative
The Financial Sector’s Climate Imperative
Dec 4, 2018 Bertrand Badré, et al. call for new incentives for market participants to weigh sustainability in their operations and investments.