Mark Suzman
Mark Suzman is Chief Strategy Officer and President of Global Policy and Advocacy at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The Most Important Story You Missed in 2019
The Most Important Story You Missed in 2019
Nov 22, 2019 Mark Suzman fears that the Global Fund's recent $14 billion financing round may be one of the last examples of its kind.
How Nelson Mandela Bent History
How Nelson Mandela Bent History
May 14, 2019 Mark Suzman explores the post-apartheid leader's legacy for South Africa and global development.
Digital Disruption’s Silver Lining
Digital Disruption’s Silver Lining
Nov 7, 2018 Mark Suzman thinks technological change will give poor countries more say, not less, over their economic fate.
Data-Driven Gender Equality
Data-Driven Gender Equality
Sep 13, 2017 Mark Suzman says that achieving the UN’s development goals for women and girls must start with better metrics.
Why Build Financially Inclusive Economies?
Why Build Financially Inclusive Economies?
Jul 6, 2017 Mark Suzman shows how broadening access to digital financial services has transformed poor countries.