Leon Willems
Leon Willems is Director of Free Press Unlimited.
Preventing the Death of Independent Journalism
Preventing the Death of Independent Journalism
Dec 7, 2020 Leon Willems warns that a critical public good could be lost, undermining informed debate and political accountability.
The Demonization of Journalists Must End
The Demonization of Journalists Must End
Jan 9, 2020 Leon Willems says continued violence against members of the press represents an assault on a vital pillar of democracy.
Justice for Journalists
Justice for Journalists
Jun 18, 2019 Leon Willems suggests how to fight the culture of impunity surrounding violent crimes against reporters in many countries.
Condemning Khashoggi’s Killers
Condemning Khashoggi’s Killers
Dec 11, 2018 Leon Willems says the apparent state-sanctioned murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi must not go unpunished.
How Press Freedom Is Won
How Press Freedom Is Won
May 2, 2018 Leon Willems urges news consumers to reflect on the successes and sacrifices of journalists around the world.