Giulio Boccaletti
Giulio Boccaletti, Scientific Director of the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, is the author of Water: A Biography (Pantheon Books, 2021) and Siccità (Mondadori, 2023).
The AI Revolution in Climate Science
The AI Revolution in Climate Science
Jan 8, 2024 Giulio Boccaletti shows how neural networks and new data sources are fundamentally changing the way we understand our planet.
Chasing Water Security
Chasing Water Security
Sep 11, 2023 Giulio Boccaletti argues that providing this critical public good requires rediscovering the development lessons of the past.
In Defense of Nature-Based Carbon Markets
In Defense of Nature-Based Carbon Markets
Apr 6, 2023 Giulio Boccaletti warns against allowing the perfect to become the enemy of the good in efforts to remove atmospheric carbon dioxide.
The New European Frontier
The New European Frontier
Jan 27, 2023 Giulio Boccaletti thinks a changing climate will force the European Union finally to embrace its political nature.
Climate Science Meets Geopolitics
Climate Science Meets Geopolitics
Jun 10, 2022 Giulio Boccaletti explains how new global rivalries will elevate and alter the uses of earth-science systems and programs.