Giles Merritt
Giles Merritt, the founder and chairman of the Friends of Europe think tank and its policy journal Europe’s World, and the author of Slippery Slope: Europe's Troubled Future.
Macron and a Sixth Republic?
Macron and a Sixth Republic?
May 11, 2017 Giles Merritt strikes a sobering note regarding the new French president's prospects for success.
Europe’s Wake-Up Call
Europe’s Wake-Up Call
Jun 20, 2016 Giles Merritt sees a silver lining in the dark clouds of populist Euroskepticism crowding in on the EU.
Europe Still Needs the Migrants
Europe Still Needs the Migrants
Nov 17, 2015 Giles Merritt explains why the attacks in Paris must not deter EU governments from accepting newcomers.
Germany’s Power Problem
Germany’s Power Problem
Jun 22, 2015 Giles Merritt says that, though German nationals control top EU posts, the country lacks a vision for Europe.
What Now for Britain and Europe?
What Now for Britain and Europe?
May 8, 2015 Giles Merritt says that the Conservatives’ big win may mean support for the status quo on EU membership as well.