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Galit Alter

Galit Alter

1 commentaries

Galit Alter is a professor at Harvard Medical School and the Ragon Institute.

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  1. Saving the Most Vulnerable from COVID-19
    johnson128_OSCAR DEL POZOAFP via Getty Images_coronavirusnursinghomeelderly Oscar del Pozo/AFP via Getty Images

    Saving the Most Vulnerable from COVID-19

    Jun 1, 2020 Simon Johnson, et al. promote the use of low-cost serology tests to protect nursing homes' residents and staff.

  1. rodrik224_Getty Images_berlin declaration Getty Images

    From the Washington Consensus to the Berlin Declaration

    Dani Rodrik, et al. tout a new understanding by leading economists about what policymakers must do to preempt the populist threat.
  2. fofack25_GettyImages_dollar Getty Images

    The Eclipse of the Petrodollar

    Hippolyte Fofack shows how digitalization and geopolitical risk are giving rise to alternative payment mechanisms.
  3. otorbaev15_ Aziz KarimovSOPA ImagesLightRocket via Getty Images_russia karabakh Aziz Karimov/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

    Russia’s Triple Win in the South Caucasus

    Djoomart Otorbaev deciphers the causes and implications of the shifting allegiances of Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia.
  4. zizek32_WILLIAM WESTAFP via Getty Images_assange WILLIAM WEST/AFP via Getty Images

    Assange Is Free, But Are We?

    Slavoj Žižek thinks the media’s complicity in covering up inconvenient truths is as deeply entrenched as ever.
  5. korolec1_ BERTRAND GUAYAFP via Getty Images_solar BERTRAND GUAY/AFP via Getty Images

    Europe Needs an Industrial Development Fund

    Marcin Korolec urges policymakers to shore up the bloc’s competitive position by supporting greentech producers.
  6. ackerman3_Morteza NikoubazlNurPhoto via Getty Images_pezeshkain Morteza Nikoubazl/NurPhoto via Getty Images

    Iran’s Election Could Bring Lasting Middle-East Peace

    Bruce Ackerman

    If opposition candidate Masoud Pezeshkian wins and succeeds President Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash last month, US policymakers must respond constructively. Such a scenario could not only reduce the risk of a wider war in the Middle East, but also prepare the way for a two-state solution in Israel and Palestine.

    urges the US to respond constructively if opposition candidate Masoud Pezeshkian wins the presidency.
  7. leonard102_Maja HitijGetty Images_eu elections Maja Hitij/Getty Images)

    Europe’s Coming Paralysis

    Mark Leonard thinks recent developments in France and Germany will leave the European Union rudderless.
  8. el-erian168_Christopher FurlongGetty Images_keirstarmereconomy Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

    The Growth Agenda for the United Kingdom

    Mohamed A. El-Erian

    After years of insufficient investment and sagging productivity in the UK, the Labour Party recognizes that achieving high-quality growth will require a comprehensive policy approach that builds on many intermediate objectives. But devising a strategy is only the first step; the real challenge lies in implementation.

    offers a broad outline of what it will take for the Labour Party to achieve its economic-policy goals.
  9. jaber2_Getty Images_ai climate Getty Images

    Embracing the AI-Energy-Climate Nexus

    Sultan Al Jaber touts the enormous potential of the emerging technology for reducing emissions.

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