Edward Jung
Edward Jung, former Chief Architect at Microsoft, is Founder and Chief Technology Officer at Intellectual Ventures.
A Better Way from ‘R’ to ‘D’
A Better Way from ‘R’ to ‘D’
Apr 27, 2017 Edward Jung says that to maximize commercialization of good ideas, it's time to disrupt innovation finance.
Megafunding Drug Research
Megafunding Drug Research
Dec 9, 2015 Edward Jung & Andrew W. Lo call for diversified pools of capital to finance high-cost pharmaceutical development.
Asia’s Invention Boom
Asia’s Invention Boom
Oct 1, 2014 Edward Jung argues that Western companies and governments should support innovation in the East.
Misleading Indicators
Misleading Indicators
Mar 18, 2014 Edward Jung shows why reliance on indicators like GDP and FDI can impede the emergence of innovation economies.
Plugging in Green Tech
Plugging in Green Tech
Dec 4, 2013 Edward Jung on the used-car market's lessons for green technologies.