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The Gendered Pandemic

Governments simultaneously trying to address the public-health and economic shocks caused by COVID-19 risk overlooking the immediate effects of the crisis on women and girls. How can policymakers mitigate these threats and foster longer-term progress toward gender parity?

In this Big Picture, Swedish foreign minister Ann Linde and her Spanish counterpart, Arancha González, argue that measures to tackle the COVID-19 crisis must address increasing risks to women and girls in the home, the health-care sector, and the labor market. Princeton University’s Beth English and Kelly Pike of York University suggest how policymakers can ease the current plight of women wage earners in developing and emerging economies – including in the global garment industry. And the World Bank’s Sandie Okoro and Paul Prettitore show how the pandemic may yet help to improve women’s access to justice, instead of widening existing gender-based legal inequalities.

The pandemic also threatens to reverse recent gains in child and maternal health, note the World Health Organization’s Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, UNICEF’s Henrietta H. Fore, Natalia Kanem of the United Nations Population Fund, and Save the Children UK’s Kevin Watkins, who outline a four-pronged strategy to prevent this scenario. Likewise, Shannon Kowalski of the International Women’s Health Coalition explains why the crisis offers an opportunity to enhance sexual and reproductive health care for women and girls.

Finally, psychiatrist Raj Persaud notes that several of the countries that have tackled the pandemic most effectively are led by women. These female leaders’ success, he argues, stems not from traditional “feminine” qualities, but rather from the fact that women generally face a more demanding path to power than men.

Featured in this Big Picture

  1. Ann LindeAnn Linde
  2. Arancha  GonzálezArancha González
  3. Beth EnglishBeth English
  4. Kelly PikeKelly Pike
  5. Sandie OkoroSandie Okoro
  6. Paul PrettitorePaul Prettitore
  7. Tedros Adhanom GhebreyesusTedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
  8. Henrietta H. ForeHenrietta H. Fore
  9. Natalia KanemNatalia Kanem
  10. Kevin WatkinsKevin Watkins
  11. Shannon KowalskiShannon Kowalski
  12. Raj PersaudRaj Persaud
benglish1_Ziaul Haque OisharjhSOPA ImagesLightRocket via Getty Images_bangladeshgarmentfactoryworkerwomen Ziaul Haque Oisharjh/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images
okoro1_EBRAHIM HAMIDAFP via Getty Images_genderinequalitycourtprotest Ebrahim Hamid/AFP via Getty Images
ghebreyesus5_Mehedi HasanNurPhoto via Getty Images_bangladeshchildrencoronavirus Mehedi Hasan/NurPhoto via Getty Images
skowalski1_FLORENT VERGNESAFP via Getty Images_centralafricamaternitywomenchildren Florent Vergnes/AFP via Getty Images
rpersaud11_Hagen HopkinsGetty Images_jacindaarderncoronavirus Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images;

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