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Global Bookmark offers long-form examinations of global trends and challenges, viewed through the lens of important new books.

The End of Postwar Germany
Across the West, policymakers are grappling with the implications of a rapidly changing world order and the deep uncertainties accompanying it. As four new books by leading German thinkers show, nowhere is the need for clarity and an honest self-reckoning more acute than in the land of Kant and Bismarck.
Wolfgang Ischinger, Welt in Gefahr: Deutschland und Europa in unsicheren Zeiten (The World in Danger: Germany and Europe in Uncertain Times), Econ, 2018.
Josef Joffe, Der gute Deutsche: Die Karriere einer moralischen Supermacht (The Good German: The Career of a Moral Superpower), C. Bertelsmann/Random House, 2018.
Andreas Rödder, Wer hat Angst vor Deutschland?: Geschichte eines europäischen Problems (Who’s Afraid of Germany?: The History of a European Problem), S. Fischer, 2018.
BERLIN – Last April, The Economist ran a cover story touting “Cool Germany” as a potential model for the rest of the West. What a difference two generations make. For most Germans who grew up in the post-1945 era, the country’s metamorphosis still comes as a complete surprise.