OnPoint Subscriber Exclusive
Longer Reads provide in-depth analysis of the ideas and forces shaping politics, economics, international affairs, and more.

Can Capitalist Democracy Survive?
The balance between capitalism and democracy has rarely been stable, but in recent decades it has tilted decidedly toward markets and the technocrats charged with regulating them. Against the background of an ascendant China, the question now is whether the eventual counter-movement will veer back toward democracy, or in a new direction entirely.
CAMBRIDGE – Once again, the developed world is feeling the inherent tension between market capitalism and representative democracy. Each institution provides its own mechanisms for allocating society’s resources and distributing the income and wealth generated by their use. Each offers procedures for legitimating the distribution of power, be it in the form of “one dollar, one vote” or “one person, one vote.” Critically, power accumulated in one domain can be exercised in the other, either to redress or reinforce outcomes across the political economy.