en English

Mark Leonard
Says More…

This week in Say More, PS talks with Mark Leonard, Director of the European Council on Foreign Relations, and the author of The Age of Unpeace: How Connectivity Causes Conflict.

Project Syndicate: In December, you predicted that the “defining fights of the twenty-first century will be about who has the power to make the rules.” With Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, this seems prescient. Could the sanctions on Russia – which capitalize on the West’s disproportionate power over the institutions underpinning economic interconnectedness to “punish” miscreants – hasten the demise of the Western-led rules-based order?

Mark Leonard: I think that the West was right to introduce tough sanctions on Russia in response to its aggression in Ukraine. Nonetheless, we should be worried about the sanctions’ long-term effects.

After the Cold War ended, the capitalist West’s institutions and systems were opened up to the rest of the world, enabling globalization on a scale unseen since the late nineteenth century. Add to that the revolution in information and communications technology, and interdependence reached new heights. In this hyper-connected, networked world, the “winners” – including companies like Facebook, Google, Alibaba, and Tencent – reap huge rewards.
