
    The USA also has the advantage of being a, if not the, number one destination for migrants and effectively imports large numbers of highly educated and entrepreneurial people.

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    The facts are the facts, and despite Prof. Nye’s claim to the contrary, the fact is that China has the world’s largest economy. Nevertheless, I agree with Prof. Nye that at the moment the US still is the most overall powerful nation in the world.

    However, I think the more important issue is whether the US has the will to do what is necessary to remain the most important and most overall powerful nation. For example, rather than strengthening the education systems that have contributed so much to the US economy and the overall power of the US, in many states there are active movements to weaken those education systems by limiting what they teach in ways that will limit the reasoning capacity and thus the future productivity and creativity of the graduates of those education systems. Political polarization also is limiting the ability of the US government to make fact and science based decisions that will benefit the US and enable it to retain its position in the world.

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