While some indicators suggest that investors are scaling back their US exposure, others suggest that market participants are being rather complacent about today's heightened risks. To stay on top of a decidedly mixed picture, investors and business leaders should keep an eye on several key indicators.
LONDON – After 12 months of outperforming the rest of the world, the US market faces a potential correction, and prudent investors and business leaders are watching developments closely and hedging their risks accordingly. Amid falling consumer sentiment, sticky inflation, and rising initial jobless claims, the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta’s closely watched GDPNow model already shows a contraction for the first quarter of 2025.
LONDON – After 12 months of outperforming the rest of the world, the US market faces a potential correction, and prudent investors and business leaders are watching developments closely and hedging their risks accordingly. Amid falling consumer sentiment, sticky inflation, and rising initial jobless claims, the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta’s closely watched GDPNow model already shows a contraction for the first quarter of 2025.