Elites are under siege in every corner of the world – from “Tea Party” activists in America, nationalist demagogues in Europe, and red-shirted demonstrators in Thailand. While every country's protests reflects local conditions, what unites the worldwide upsurge of populism is suspicion of globalization and, paradoxically, the relative powerlessness of the elites who are under attack.
NEW YORK – Elites are under siege in every corner of the world. “Tea Party” activists in exurban America rant and rage against the so-called liberal elites of New York, Washington, and Hollywood. In Europe, populist demagogues, such as Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, rant and rage against the elitist “appeasers” of Islam. In Thailand, red-shirted demonstrators from the country’s rural northeast rant and rage against the military, social, and political elites of Bangkok.