hsieh5_SAM YEHAFP via Getty Images_pompeo in taiwan SAM YEH/AFP via Getty Images

Taiwan’s Fatal Attractions

By eagerly embracing foreign politicians who “stand with Taiwan” even as they undermine democracy elsewhere, the island’s leaders are flirting with disaster. The central goal of Taiwanese foreign policy should be to deter China from taking the island by force, and that calls for restraint, not reckless grandstanding.

CHICAGO – In the same week that Taiwanese took to the streets to repudiate Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Taiwan’s leaders rolled out the red carpet for a visit by former US President Donald Trump’s secretary of state, Mike Pompeo. This is the same man who, together with Trump, withheld military aid from Ukraine to pressure its government to initiate a bogus investigation into Joe Biden’s son, and who then fired the US ambassador to Ukraine when she refused to go along with the extortion attempt.
