Tsai Ing-Wen, President of Taiwan Chris Stowers via ZUMA Wire

Taiwan’s New Balancer-in-Chief

Even as many of the world’s electorates are tilting toward the extremes, voters in Taiwan have bucked the trend and chosen the middle road. The election of Tsai Ing-wen as President is a signal that, while voters may be hesitant to enter into a deeper embrace with China, they also want to avoid a rupture in the relationship.

TOKYO – Even as many of the world’s electorates – most notably in the United States – are tilting toward the extremes, voters in Taiwan have bucked the trend and chosen the middle road. The election on January 16 of Tsai Ing-wen, Chair of the Democratic Progressive Party, as President is a signal that, however hesitant Taiwanese voters may be about entering into a deeper embrace with China, they also want to avoid a rupture in the relationship with their powerful neighbor and former antagonist.
