CAMBRIDGE: One great challenge facing humanity is reducing the huge gaps in income and wealth between the world’s haves and have nots. Globalization by itself is not doing the job. Now, Dr. Gro Bruntland, the head of the World Health Organization, has taken up the challenge. She points to the desperate health conditions of the world’s poor as one of the greatest barriers to economic development, and is mobilizing the world community to do something about it.
CAMBRIDGE: One great challenge facing humanity is reducing the huge gaps in income and wealth between the world’s haves and have nots. Globalization by itself is not doing the job. Now, Dr. Gro Bruntland, the head of the World Health Organization, has taken up the challenge. She points to the desperate health conditions of the world’s poor as one of the greatest barriers to economic development, and is mobilizing the world community to do something about it.