pongsudhirak15_David MmrSOPA ImagesLightRocket via Getty Images_myanmar coup David Mmr/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

Tipping the Scales in Myanmar’s Civil War

The determined resistance of Myanmar’s people has prevented the military junta from consolidating its 2021 coup, leaving roughly half the country beyond its control. With the civil war having reached a stalemate, the international community should step in, recognizing the civilian government and delivering weapons to its armed wing.

BANGKOK – Conflicts within and between countries take many forms, but they are always about power. That is as true for the brutal military coup that toppled Myanmar’s elected government two years ago as it is for Russia’s war against Ukraine. But while Ukraine’s plight has dominated world headlines and attracted billions of dollars in military equipment and other assistance, Myanmar’s subjugation from within has gone largely unnoticed by outsiders, and the civilian opposition has received little support.
