US President Donald Trump’s return to the White House represents a grave threat to Europe’s security, economy, and clean-energy transition. The European Union’s top priority must be to find ways to reduce energy prices, even if it means recalibrating some of its green policies.
urges EU policymakers not to allow the new US administration to distract them from key policy priorities.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, the image of Big Tech founders and CEOs filling the front row at Donald Trump’s inauguration is a manifesto. We have just watched private business take over the US government in broad daylight, and history suggests that this won’t end well.
sees no daylight remaining between US private business and the federal government.
Yi Fuxian
warns that China's government and mainstream analysts are still underestimating the severity of the country's demographic crisis, identifies some of the gravest policy mistakes Donald Trump's administration is at risk of making vis-a-vis China, explains why China’s middle class will never be strong enough to bring about a democratic transition, and more.
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