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Economy-2018 Mikhail Japaridze\TASS via Getty Images

The World Economy in 2018

With the new year comes new optimism, as growth seems set to pick up almost everywhere and stock markets remain at dizzying heights. But how confident can we be that today's buoyancy will last?

Featured in this Big Picture

  1. Anatole KaletskyAnatole Kaletsky
  2. Stephen S. RoachStephen S. Roach
  3. Nouriel RoubiniNouriel Roubini
  4. Michael SpenceMichael Spence
  5. Mohamed A. El-ErianMohamed A. El-Erian
  6. Maurice ObstfeldMaurice Obstfeld
  7. Michael J. BoskinMichael J. Boskin
  8. Kenneth RogoffKenneth Rogoff

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