Omar Ashour
Omar Ashour, Professor of Security and Military Studies and Founder of the Security Studies Programs at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, is the author of How ISIS Fights: Military Tactics in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Egypt (Edinburgh University Press, 2021).
Why ISIS Attacked Russia – and Why Russia Blames Ukraine
Why ISIS Attacked Russia – and Why Russia Blames Ukraine
Mar 25, 2024 Omar Ashour considers how Vladimir Putin, an exemplary cynic, could capitalize on the carnage at Crocus City Hall.
A Game Changer for Syria?
A Game Changer for Syria?
Apr 12, 2017 Omar Ashour thinks the Trump administration's recent missile strike hurt Russia more than the Assad regime.
Syria’s Balance of Terror
Syria’s Balance of Terror
Feb 20, 2017 Omar Ashour believes foreign meddling and shifting alliances will derail even the best-intentioned ceasefire.
The Islamic State’s European Strategy
The Islamic State’s European Strategy
Sep 1, 2016 Omar Ashour explains why ISIS is singling out France and Turkey for its terror campaign in Europe.
Egypt’s Security Harvest
Egypt’s Security Harvest
Jul 11, 2016 Omar Ashour chronicles the declining faith in civil resistance – and rising violence – since the 2013 coup.