Woman carrying flag of Syria Adolfo-Lujan/Flickr

The Syrian Knot

The war in Syria has become a tangled conflict of local, regional, and global struggles, each with the potential for perilous escalation. But, while the war must be brought to an end as quickly as possible, that will not be possible so long as either President Bashar al-Assad or the Islamic State remain in the picture.

BERLIN – For four years, a bloody war has raged in Syria. What began as a democratic uprising against Bashar al-Assad’s dictatorship has developed into a cat’s cradle of conflicts, partly reflecting a brutal proxy struggle among Iran, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia for regional domination. This struggle, as the fighting in Yemen has shown, has the potential to destabilize the entire region. And now Russia, by means of its military intervention on Assad’s behalf, is seeking to enhance its status as a global power vis-à-vis the West (and the United States in particular).
