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No matter how committed Donald Trump and his oligarch cronies are to a tax cut, the laws of arithmetic cannot be repealed. If only a handful of Republican lawmakers keep their promise not to increase the US budget deficit, there is no way that the incoming administration can enact its economic agenda and keep the government running.
points out that no amount of bluster or strong-arming can overcome the laws of arithmetic.
The US president-elect's signature policies will do almost nothing positive for less educated Americans or significantly improve the lives of most others. The rich will get richer, the richest will get a lot richer, and everyone else will contend with higher inflation, cuts to public services, and the effects of runaway deregulation.
explains why reality is unlikely to come close to matching the US president-elect's rhetoric.
由Erika D’Agata和Susan Mitchell主持的这项研究不久前在《内科医学文献》杂志上发表,结果表明在18个月的时间里,214位严重痴呆症患者中有三分之二接受了抗生素治疗。这些患者的平均年龄高达85岁。在进行计分标准由0到24的严重损害测试的时候,有四分之三的患者只得了零分。这意味着他们或者根本说不了话、或者只能进行最低限度的语言交流。
对加拿大温尼伯湖(Winnipeg )84岁高龄的Samuel Golubchuk来讲,肺炎也没能发挥老友的作用,Samuel由于脑部损伤造成肢体和精神能力障碍已经有几年时间了。Golubchuk的医生认为最好不要再延续他的生命,但是他的子女却认为撤去生命支持违反了他们的正统的犹太教信仰,于是他们拿到一纸法庭命令,迫使医生继续维持他们父亲的各项生命体征。
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