Wing Thye Woo
Wing Thye Woo, Vice President for Asia at the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, is Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of California, Davis and a research professor at Sunway University in Kuala Lumpur and Fudan University in Shanghai.
To De-Escalate US-China Tensions, Decouple Differently
To De-Escalate US-China Tensions, Decouple Differently
Jun 19, 2023 Wing Thye Woo explains why the US and China should seek to detach trade policy from technology and national-security issues.
Defusing the US-China Trade Conflict
Defusing the US-China Trade Conflict
Jul 3, 2018 Wing Thye Woo examines what’s driving the deterioration of the world’s most consequential economic relationship.
China’s Growth Odyssey
China’s Growth Odyssey
Feb 17, 2017 Wing Thye Woo engages the views of Project Syndicate commentators, to ask whether China can avoid the “middle-income trap,” even as it reckons with Donald Trump’s presidency.
A New Playbook for China and ASEAN
A New Playbook for China and ASEAN
Jul 15, 2016 Chin Tong Liew & Wing Thye Woo urge Chinese leaders to negotiate territorial claims in the South China Sea with the entire bloc.
Renminbi Rising?
Renminbi Rising?
Dec 12, 2013 Wing Thye Woo lays out the conditions that China must meet to internationalize its currency and turn Shanghai into a global financial center.